End of the Year – Indochina Research https://indochina-research.com Research Agency in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam Fri, 05 Jun 2020 03:13:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://indochina-research.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-colored.png End of the Year – Indochina Research https://indochina-research.com 32 32 Happy Vietnamese people! https://indochina-research.com/vietnam-mood-index-2019/ Tue, 19 May 2020 11:16:04 +0000 https://bd2.423.myftpupload.com/?p=3289 Revealed from research done by WIN International in 40 countries, Vietnam is among the top countries where the majority of its people find themselves happy (64%) and are satisfied with the quality of life. Indeed, Vietnam stands second regarding the satisfaction towards life quality rate at 95%, only goes behind Ecuador and Nigeria at 96%. […]

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Revealed from research done by WIN International in 40 countries, Vietnam is among the top countries where the majority of its people find themselves happy (64%) and are satisfied with the quality of life. Indeed, Vietnam stands second regarding the satisfaction towards life quality rate at 95%, only goes behind Ecuador and Nigeria at 96%.

Happy - Mood Index - Vietnam stands 2nd regarding life quality
Vietnam stands 2nd regarding life quality
Happy Vietnamese - Vietnam earns a score of 24.01 pts regarding mood index, ranked 11th among 40 surveyed countries
Vietnam is ranked 11th with a score of 24.01pts among 40 surveyed countries

Vietnam also scores high regarding mood index at 24.01 pts and ranked 11th among 40 countries. The majority of the Vietnamese people agree that they have been feeling

  • Optimistic about the future – 60%
  • Useful – 61%
  • Relaxed – 68%
  • Dealing well with problems – 60%
  • Thinking clearly – 66%
  • Close to other people – 68%
  • Able to make up their own mind – 65%   
How the mood of Vietnamese people is assessed based on 7 statements

And access to the full world report here, and the full data file here

Please see other reports here

Please contact us with any ideas for research projects you are considering in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam at:
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Sports Practice in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City https://indochina-research.com/practice-of-sports-in-vietnam/ Sat, 22 Jun 2019 06:20:01 +0000 https://bd2.423.myftpupload.com/?p=2942 With the recent and overwhelming boost of support for the Vietnamese football team during last competitions, we wanted to know a little bit more about the daily habits of the Vietnamese population and their sports practice. We found out that 1 people out of 3 consider themselves a sports person in urban areas of Vietnam. We […]

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Practice in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City
29% of the population consider themselves sportive (24% female ; 33% male)
More opportunities to practice individual sports (Walking: 37%, Jogging: 33%)
Football remains the top team sport practiced (25%)

With the recent and overwhelming boost of support for the Vietnamese football team during last competitions, we wanted to know a little bit more about the daily habits of the Vietnamese population and their sports practice.

We found out that 1 people out of 3 consider themselves a sports person in urban areas of Vietnam. 
We also noticed a slight preference of the Vietnamese population for individualistic sports with jogging and running being the most practiced activity among urban respondents. 
These individualistic sports are indeed easier to practice and do not require to meet up with a team regularly neither to follow a schedule, which allows them to be more flexible in their trainings.

Membership cards (3.992.000VND)
Supplement Food & Drinks (3.035.00VND)
Facilities (1.673.000VND)
Clothes (1.566.000VND)

There has been growing trend in the past few years in Vietnam with the rise and multiplication of gym facilities which has greatly impacted the consumption methods and traditions of Vietnamese customers when doing sports.

Indeed, most of the money spent are for gym memberships and the facilities they offer in a modern and refreshing environment.

Focus on women

Walking (60%)
Running (24%)
Yoga (15%)
Working out (17%)

Average annual spendings: 
Membership cards: 5.078.000 VND
Drinks: 3.435.000VND
Facilities: 1.686.000VND
Clothes: 1.511.000VND

Differences of spendings between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh

Regarding women, they are currently the highest spenders on membership cards. This can be linked to the popularity of indoor sports such as yoga and pilates.

We also put an emphasis on spending differences between the two largest cities in Vietnam to showcase the higher spending from Hanoians on sports related products such as drinks or even facilities.

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Fake News in Vietnam https://indochina-research.com/fake-news-in-vietnam/ Fri, 26 Apr 2019 01:29:19 +0000 https://bd2.423.myftpupload.com/?p=2870 Indochina Research has recently launched a monthly survey called “Hot Spots” to understand more about the opinion of Vietnamese citizens from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on several social matters. This month, our research team has asked people to share their exposure to and experience with fake news. Our findings have revealed which channels […]

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Indochina Research has recently launched a monthly survey called “Hot Spots” to understand more about the opinion of Vietnamese citizens from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City on several social matters. This month, our research team has asked people to share their exposure to and experience with fake news.

Our findings have revealed which channels people are most in contact with when it comes to fake news. We also focused on the demographic group that is most likely to be exposed to untruthful information and how they perceive and respond to it.

Hot Spots Survey- Fake News in Vietnam Report page 1

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The perception of Superpowers’ foreign Policies https://indochina-research.com/indochina-research-superpowers-foreign-policies/ Fri, 22 Feb 2019 11:37:16 +0000 https://bd2.423.myftpupload.com/?p=2684 As part of the End of Year 2018 survey by the Gallup International Association, the perception of foreign policies belonging to 4 world superpowers (USA, Russia, China and the European Union) was measured in 57 countries, including Vietnam. Both the Global and the Vietnam-specific reports are available for download in the below links. Global results […]

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As part of the End of Year 2018 survey by the Gallup International Association, the perception of foreign policies belonging to 4 world superpowers (USA, Russia, China and the European Union) was measured in 57 countries, including Vietnam. Both the Global and the Vietnam-specific reports are available for download in the below links.

Global results

Superpower's Foreign Policies Evaluation

Vietnam’s results

Which Superpower's Foreign Policies are seen as destabilizing and which ones are seen as stabilizing
An interesting division within the Vietnamese population regarding Superpower's Foreign Policies

Indochina Research can support you in getting more performance out of your marketing by implementing high quality offline and online research programs !

Contact us to discuss with our consultants on how we can help your business grow stronger : [email protected]

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Indochina Research’s 2019 Calendar https://indochina-research.com/indochina-research-2019-calendar/ Fri, 18 Jan 2019 04:42:20 +0000 https://bd2.423.myftpupload.com/?p=2651   As done previously before, we have just released our regional Calendar for 2019 with insights from each of the countries in which we operate. You will get access to:  The best brands as seen by youth in Cambodia; The use of mobile phones and internet in rural and urban areas in Laos; Factors of […]

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Calendar Indochina Research


As done previously before, we have just released our regional Calendar for 2019 with insights from each of the countries in which we operate. You will get access to: 

  • The best brands as seen by youth in Cambodia;
  • The use of mobile phones and internet in rural and urban areas in Laos;
  • Factors of influence for young people when choosing a brand in Myanmar;
  • Happiness and wellness within the Vietnamese population.

Find it here by clicking on the link below.


Indochina Research can support you in getting more performance out of your marketing by implementing high quality offline and online research programs!

Contact us to discuss how we can help your business grow: [email protected]

The post Indochina Research’s 2019 Calendar appeared first on Indochina Research.
