How do Vietnamese individuals perceive their own lives and the lives of their parents?

  • Posted by arnaud douezy
  • On July 5, 2023

Vietnamese Family Day is a special occasion that celebrates the importance of family and the bonds shared among family members in Vietnamese culture. This day is traditionally marked on the 28th of June with the aim of promoting family values and fostering a sense of unity and harmony within families. To celebrate this day, IRL Vietnam reveals the perceptions of Vietnamese individuals regarding their own lives, the lives of their parents, and the lives of their children.

Most Vietnamese think that they are living a better life compared to their parents’ lives.

According to the global survey conducted by Gallup International Association (GIA) 2022, one in two (51%) believes that their life is better than that of their parents. This could be interpreted as a positive outlook on their own circumstances compared to those of the previous generation.

Across regions, South Asia stands out with the highest proportion of individuals, at 60%, who believe that their life is better than that of their parents. Out of the South Asian countries and territories included in the survey, Vietnam emerges as the most optimistic, with 83% of its population selecting the option ‘better’. This is closely followed by the Republic of Korea (75%) and Pakistan (65%).

Source: Global opinion poll conducted by Gallup International Association (GIA) in 64 countries (among 60 724 respondents) during August – October 2022. Data collection in Vietnam was conducted by telephone interviews by Indochina Research (IRL) Vietnam.

3 in 10 Vietnamese doubt that children will currently have a better life than they do.

Despite Vietnam’s top ranking (83%) in terms of satisfaction about their present lives, compared to their parents’ lives, among South Asian countries, they have doubts or uncertainties about the prospects and opportunities available to future generations. Only less than 3 in 10 (29%) Vietnamese respondents believe that their children’s lives will be better than their own, signifying a notable gap of 54 % points.

This less optimistic outlook regarding the future is also observed in other countries and territories in the region, though much less significantly, such as ROK (56%), Hong Kong (48%), India (43%), and Japan (21 %).

Interestingly, people from the Philippines (9% points), Indonesia (7% points) and Pakistan (4% points) consider the future to be brighter for their children that it is for them. This shows high optimism in the future or some actual difficulties that their countries’ population expect to be solved for the next generation.

Source: Global opinion poll conducted by Gallup International Association (GIA) in 64 countries (among 60 724 respondents) during August – October 2022. Data collection in Vietnam was conducted by telephone interviews by Indochina Research (IRL) Vietnam.

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For further reference, please read:

  • GIA survey (2022) is a global opinion poll conducted by Gallup International Association (GIA) in 64 countries (among 60,724 respondents) during August – October 2022.

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