Vietnam Health Index 2019

  • Posted by indochinaresearch
  • On April 28, 2020

It is beyond the joy that thanks to the perspicacious directives of the Government, and the unanimity of all the country, Vietnam has step-by-step controlled the COVID-19, and is gradually easing the social quarantine. Also, people’s health is guaranteed.

However, the virus has not been completely repelled yet. Therefore, besides strictly implementing the preventive measures, it is also important to have a healthy lifestyle to protect yourself.

Given this reason, Indochina Research would want to share with you a snapshot of the WIN survey result, which explores the views and beliefs of people in Vietnam about health, habits, and food consumption. Fieldwork was done in 2019 by us, and even though it was before the outbreak of the COVID-19, the data can still help us to understand how people feel about their health, as well as their activities to help you reflect on yourself and have timely adjustment.



1. World perception

88% of Vietnamese rated that they were in good health, and ranked 6th out of 44 countries surveyed. Of the 44 countries, China and Indonesia are the two countries with the highest percentage of people rated themselves as healthy (95% and 93% respectively). Meanwhile, the two countries with the lowest rates were Hong Kong (57%) and Poland (47%). Interestingly, out of the 10 countries with the highest health perception, 7 out of 10 are from Asia and the only “western” country is France (8th), Mexico (5th), and Nigeria (4th) complete the Palmares. 

World Health Perception
World Health Perception

2. Vietnamese health-related habit

Compared to 2018, Vietnamese people have made improvements, even small, in their health-related habits. Specifically, people have been drinking less alcohol, exercising more, and are more interested in dieting. The female group possesses a higher percentage of going on a diet (47%, compared to males at 27%).

Health-related Habits

However, there is a habit associated with protecting the lungs, especially in this COVID-19 epidemic, which is smoking, that witnessed no improvement. And male group still have very high rates of smoking – 56%, while 96% female claim that they never smoke. In addition, men tend to drink alcohol more than women (60% compared to 18%)

3. Food consumption habit

Regarding the selection of foods, all Vietnamese people follow the same trend, that is

  • Reduce fast food consumption – 42%
  • Decrease the use of packaged food – 38%
  • Increase the use of organic food +35%
  • Cut down on eating sweets – 34%
  • Increase the selection of low-fat/ low sugar  foods + 20%
Food consumption habit

Assessing by city, Hanoians tend to be more health-conscious in 2019, as they reduced more their use of sweets and fast food, and increase their use of Organic foods compared to citizens of Ho Chi Minh city.

Young people aged 18-30 years old tend to be less health-conscious as the 30-year-old and older group, since they increased their consumption of packaged foods, as well as of sweets and fast food.

We hope that you will find effective ways to improve your health and stay safe through this COVID-19 period!

Please download the full report here

Please see other reports here

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