
Priorities to be addressed for urban Vietnamese

  • corruption, Education, end of year, food safety, happiness, indochina research, vietnam
Following the trend identified in last year’s results of the same study, of all the social issues surveyed, urban Vietnamese people are the most concerned about food safety. This was especially true for respondents in Hanoi. The report shows how several food scandals have led citizens to become increasingly worried about their daily food intake. […]
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REPORT – Combating consumption of illegal wildlife in Viet Nam

  • behavior change, indochina research, rhino, traffic, vietnam, wildlife, wwf
Indochina Research is the proud partner of TRAFFIC in Vietnam and happy to introduce their latest publication: Combating consumption of illegal wildlife in Vietnam, Mapping Motivations with the support of USAID. More about the Chi Initiative   According to vietnamnews.vn, The Chi Initiative is a communication program designed to help decrease consumer demand for rhino horn […]
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Vietnam is 5th happiest population in EOY 2017

  • end of year, happiness, indochina research, vietnam, world happiness index
Among 55 countries polled, Vietnam population is the 5th happiest, 2nd only in ASEAN to the Philippines and ahead of Indonesia ! Full results : http://www.gallup-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2017_Happiness_Hope_Economic-Optimism.pdf    Methodology: The Gallup International End of Year Survey (EoY) is an annual tradition initiated by and designed under the chairmanship of Dr. George Gallup in 1977. It is conducted […]
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2107 Global leaders opinion survey

  • end of year, Global leaders, indochina research, vietnam
A total of 52,793 persons were interviewed globally for the 41st End of Year opinion survey among 55 countries, providing perception about global leaders.       Methodology: The Gallup International End of Year Survey (EoY) is an annual tradition initiated by and designed under the chairmanship of Dr. George Gallup in 1977. It is conducted […]
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End of Year survey: Food safety is most concerned issue of Vietnamese people

  • food safety, indochina research, vietnam
Food safety is most concerned issue of Vietnamese people, according to End of Year survey by Indochina Research. Among different hot social topics in Vietnam, people prioritize food safety the most.  End of Year survey by Indochina Research finds that 49% of respondents say this is the most important issue that needs to be addressed in the future. […]
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Diplomacy rather than war with North Korea

  • indochina research, vietnam
Diplomacy not bombs, negotiations not sanctions: those were the findings of a new opinion poll on the North Korean crisis. The results of the Gallup International Association’s poll in 14 countries globally are presented in the article by DW. The full report is available on Gallup International’s website – click here to access.
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World Rhino Day – TRAFFIC briefing to the media

  • behavior change, indochina research, rhino, traffic, vietnam, wwf
          At the occasion of the World Rhino day, TRAFFIC released its briefing paper to encourage Vietnamese media to become ‘agents of change’ in effort to deter wildlife crime. Indochina Research Vietnam partnered with TRAFFIC to evaluate the impact of their behavior change campaign among influent men in Hanoi and Ho […]
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Indochina Research