A useful booklet for a better understanding of Vietnam social security benefits

  • Posted by indochinaresearch
  • On August 10, 2020

In 2019, ILO in Vietnam partnered up with Indochina Research Vietnam to conduct a research to explore the Government social health insurance, sickness and maternity benefits implemented by VSS and best communication channels for female factory workers to access such information in Vietnam.

The assessment included two parts: (1) a survey among 385 female workers and 29 female officers (414 in total) in 8 factories and (2) 20 in-depth interviews with various officers whose work responsibilities are related to the female workers’ rights on health and social security.

From the study, we have identified that there is a higher number of workers who have only very little knowledge of the benefits and processes related to social security, as well as social security benefits entitlements.

In order to address these shortcomings and to support female workers to gain better knowledge regarding their rights, recently, a group of experts from Vietnam Social Security, International Labour Organisation, and Vietnam Confederation of Labour has developed an insightful booklet that would equip factory workers (but not only) with practical knowledge on health insurance and health-related social benefits.

In the booklet, 5 chapters are designed to give the reader a thorough understanding of multiples content related to health insurance, sickness, maternity and employment injury & occupational diseases benefits:

  • Chapter 1 – Health Insurance
  • Chapter 2 – Sickness benefits
  • Chapter 3 – Maternity benefits
  • Chapter 4 – Employment injury & Occupational diseases
  • Chapter 5 – Cross-cutting Infomation

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